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By popular demand our first episode "How government technology limits who we can become" is out today

Mallory Moore, Zara Manoehoetoe, and Dr Kim Foale discuss technologies of state and empire that control our lives. With a special focus on UK trans legal status and lengthy prison sentences given to black teenagers for sending text messages in Manchester.

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A first look at our new zine on making events more inclusive for everyone

When we asked our collaborators for affirming or positive experiences they’ve had at events we heard “the best I’ve had is mediocre.” We want to believe that this is not because of a lack of understanding and responsibility, but for a lack of guidance and resources.

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A new part time role supporting community groups in the North of England

The role includes finding then talking to community groups across the North to find out who they are, what challenges they’re facing, and how those problems might be solved (or not!) using technology.

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Co-designing a local history archive with Oldham residents

We are currently in the early stages of working on a number of local history projects, and are trying to come up with some shared tech we can use across all of them. I felt felt that this might be a great project to share a sort of ‘design diary’/’work in progress story’ of, as we go along.

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